The BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) Metro is a game-changer for the cities of Karachi and Lahore, and eGarden is proud to be a part of this exciting project. Our team of expert landscape architects and designers is working tirelessly to ensure that the BRT Metro stations in these cities are not only functional and efficient but also beautiful and inviting.

In Karachi, the current scenario of traffic jams; pollution from the vehicles not only has degraded the environment but also has shown significant change in the life span of a normal human being. Because of the BRT RED LINE, the medians on the ground have created an opportunity to reverse the consequence. A solution needs to be invented which will optimize the sound and air pollution caused, water lost in rains, time lost in traffic jams, and eventually improve the quality of life. eGarden aims to make that quality of life higher and enjoyable buy creating such a landscape design who can control pollution and enhance the beauty of environment for local public and overall biodiversity.

project type:
Metro Karachi
Project Location

Karachi Bus Rapid Transit (KBRT) Project is a mass transit project being designed and implemented to mitigate the increasing mobility needs of the residents of Karachi city. The project will deliver reliable and safe public transport services through provision of a gold standard mass transit system. eGarden completed the Landscape Master plan of RED LINE BRT Karachi (01-01-2019 to 30-10-2019)  as a Landscape Consultant with MMP Pakistan on a Project of ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK.